The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
One-hundred Third Message

On the morning of March 22, 1987, at about 3 a.m. the Messenger appeared and awakened me by his voice. He said,
“Prepare: Let your mind be at peace. I shall come to you with a message.”

I quickly arose, had a good look at him, but he suddenly disappeared. The light remained as bright as noonday. The light
finally left and I retired to rest. This brought me great comfort. I began fervent prayer in my heart. Before the light left, I
looked at the clock and it was 3:23 a.m.

On returning home Wednesday morning, March 25, 1987, I found my home filled with the light of the resurrected. I knew the
Messenger was close.

There he sat, waiting at the kitchen table. I quickly approached and acquired my writing pad. He said, “I shall give you a

I hope all who read these words will make it a matter of prayer and find this way of truth.

The Messenger appeared at 9:40 a.m. and left at 11:15 a.m. The following is the message.

1 “Behold, and hearken! Write the message I will give you.

2 I am the Messenger of the Lord, his servant, sent to bring a warning, a cleansing and to continue to prepare a
people to be the Lord’s bride when he comes.

3 I bring the priesthood authority, I speak as a fountain of truth, and with power, and with authority.

4 This is the assured way, let it be your way. I bring peace and a way of deliverance. I speak the Lord’s words;
his ways are just.

5 Let all be in the fields of labor as the way opens. See that all speak and teach the same things. Heed
diligently and it will be well with the faithful and to all who obey and defend this cause.

6 Send the message and warnings to the ends of the earth and to all nations, tribes and peoples. Translate
the message in all languages. Many will help in this.

7 The warning must go, though burdens be heavy. Let all watch and pray, for trials will come to all. Mankind
must come all the way.

8 Know you this, the Lord has been and will be with his people by his Spirit, and his peace shall long linger
with the faithful until they become the jewels of God.

9 There are deceptions and untrust.

10 Some have and will deceive. Let it not be so among you. Let peace rule your lives. My message is one of
peace and security to all who humble themselves and obey. For this is the assured way of the Lord and the
Elijah Message so many look for.

11 Let this voice of the Lord be heard. Let the translations continue; even to Jew and Gentiles, bond and free,
the dispersed and outcast, to Israel, that all may have a chance to hear the warning words.

12 I am your fellow servant. I am the Messenger Christ spake of. I am his forerunner. I am the resurrected John
the Baptist.

13 Fear not those who grind their teeth—yet say, I love the Lord, but show hate to the brethren. Woe unto all
such, even in the world. Their house will be left desolate and their wealth destroyed.

14 Where is the love that rules your lives? Where is the peace that should guide your thoughts?

15 Fear not evil lurking at the heart and thoughts of man’s conspiracy, from such turn away.

16 Let the Church, the body of Christ, love one another in the peace of God.

17 Have you robbed God? Have you taken that which is not yours? Would you take from God’s treasury and say
this is mine?

18 The working of the man of sin has long been revealed and ran its course. The evil one is wounded and
shall be completely broken, and in the end will not be there.

19 Be you in the circle of the Lord, telling the truth of my coming, in such you do well. The Lord’s Spirit will guide
and rule if you are humble, even all that hear and obey the Word of the Lord.

20 Mankind shall know the Word of the Lord is among them. Do not despair, consider your way.

21 Let all be repentant, think again, you that be leaders, lead the people in love and peace. Command peace.
Let it be among you in your counsels and in your plans. Unitedly govern together.

22 It is given for man once to live, once to die, in this life of probation—being judged according to the deeds
done in the flesh while here. Each destining his own destiny.

23 Be not discouraged what people may say. This is not your work, but the Lord’s. He will provide and direct,
but take the message to the ends of the earth. To some the grace times have closed. There are those that
stand in the way and would destroy you and the work you do, if it would not first destroy them. Be you
submissive to the will of God. As I speak to you, I speak to all.

24 Remember there are thousands whose hearts are tender, who are looking for the Word of the Lord, who
will be glad to receive the message; take to them the gospel of love.

25 Send help to Africa to build the work more firm and care for the locals. See, too, they are properly
established and a proper file in records and registry.

26 It is expedient that Larry Gosier Williams and James Edwin Parker go as soon as it can be arranged. They
may visit Alfred Beyeler in France and Martin Huonker on the way and where the call may claim. Encourage

27 See, too, that all things are in order for a blessing among the nations there. Speak the truth in love among
all people.

28 Let Leonard H. Draves help in the office and records, also in the planning of finances. Let his name also
appear on the deposits and signing of checks going out of the office, from the funds out of the moneys. Heed
the instructions, and it will be well with all. That the quorums, apostles and bishops, may be properly
represented in the goings on of the church work. Instructions given in the past has not been rightly arranged.

29 Let not selfishness nor greed come among you.

30 The Lord has heard the prayers of his people, and I come at his appointment. I have spoken concisely. All
will be blessed in obedience.

31 Many will respond to the aid of this work.

32 Let these prepare and be added to the eldership I shall give you: Jeff O’keefe, Scott Lyles, Thomas R.
Paulson, Arlis J. Draves, Edward F. Draves, Gregory Richard, Daniel Weaver, John Jeschke, John Stephen
Bulla, Willie D. Coffey, Benjamin O. Draves, Michele Balzo, Richard W. Everts, Matthew Stephens, Mark
Stephens, Roy Yowell, Wolfgang Flachsmeier, Paul Rolfe, Kenneth Parker, Clifford Moss, Ken Pahutski,
James Sorgen, Milo Morse, John Shur and Robert Johnson.

33 Let all that come to the Church of Christ be baptized, let the hands be laid on for the gift and gifts of the
greater blessing, in the authority I bring. Peace and joy will come.

34 Let Oscar Giles know the Lord hears his prayer and will bless and bring peace in his home.

35 I am the resurrected John the Baptist, the Elias, which was for to come. I am the Messenger of the
Covenant, of the promise, I bring the Elijah Message.

36 I will come again as the need may be. I am your fellow servant. I leave peace with you.

37 Give this message to the brethren and the Church. Publish it that all may know I have spoken the Lord’s
will. Amen.”

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