The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
One-hundred Fifth Message

I was up at 5:30 a.m., June 17, 1989. I had put the coffee to making, when suddenly the whole house lit up with the light of
the resurrection. I knew the Messenger was here. He took me by my hand and I moved to the table where my pad and
pencil laid, and began speaking. I was ready to write as he spoke. His same white robe and power and Spirit accompanied

1 “Behold! I come again with a message of hope and instructions—in furtherance of this work of the Lord.

2 Thus far those that have listened to the word of the Lord, they shall be blessed.

3 I speak the Lord’s will. I bring his words. They that heareth the words of the Lord and obey, shall be his
Church in very deed.

4 For behold, the time is nigh at hand when the greater power will be manifested; therefore arise to greater
faith you servants of the Lord. Turn more firm to your callings and away from the traditions of men and the ways
that bringeth contentions. The Lord will bless those that are humble and do his will.

5 Send what help that can be to the foreign fields, but use wisdom, to whom and where.

6 There will be signs in the earth, the sun and the moon, and great shaping. Perplexity among the nations,
men’s hearts failing for what they must pass through.

7 The Lord has prepared a place and a way for the righteous and those that come this way, through the waters
of baptism and the laying on of hands in this authority I bring to you and the Church, keep it sacred.

8 Even now the Lord instructs all to meet in your solemn assembling, and cry mightily unto him. He will hear
and manifest his will unto you—even concerning Zion.

9 Let the word be taught in its completeness, that the joy of mankind might be full under the plan of
redemption. Indeed men are that they might have joy, and inasmuch as they have faith in the plan of God, they
shall find deliverance.

10 Because of manmade doctrines and traditions, the Lord’s work has suffered and many are wandering in

11 Few there be that behold the truth or are desirous to bring it to pass the Lord’s way.

12 Leave the past behind—its bitterness, its contentions, bring repentance, love and obedience in your hearts.
Hasten, be obedient to the words I bring—for so it is spoken to all Restoration—all mankind, even unto the

13 ‘To my servants, saith the Lord, Come together in love, open the way, hear the words I send by my
messenger, obey them and it will be well with you.’

14 It is good, let Larry Gosier Williams go again to Africa when it can be arranged. Help in the work there.

15 Let John D. Nazee and Festus Anyika arrange as much as possible to go among other nations and
kindreds in Africa, bring them the message of life and hope in this work of God.

16 Let Dale S. Mills arrange in time to go to South Africa, to take this message to those seeking truth. Let him
continue the translation to other languages. This must be done, by all who will and can help.

17 Take the message to all nations and peoples as much as it can be arranged. Plan the work wisely.

18 The Lord knoweth what he instructs to be done, inasmuch as obedience is done, it will be well with all.
Keep the faith, hold high the standard. Endure to the end. Love is your mission.

19 In time in the days ahead, let Norman D. Lyles arrange to help in the work in Germany and elsewhere,
where needed.

20 In time the Lord will call many more to help in this work. Even now there are those concerned: David
Tranbery, Robert Beebe, Fred Kemp, Mark Thomase, Daniel Dalton and David B. Clark. Let them know this
work is true and of the Lord.

21 I bring peace and deliverance. Keep it sacred. Amen!”

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