The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
One-hundred Sixteenth Message

On September 4, 1993, I was not sleeping well, praying much of the night. I arose about 5 a.m., was through bathing,
dressed and finished shaving, when the light of the Messenger filled the house. He walked in, I turned and we met at the
kitchen door. He slapped me on my right shoulder. It was hard at the time but felt good later. He spoke greetings, I
answered, “Bless you.” We touched right hands. He left about 7 a.m. Following is the message.

1 “Behold, I come to you from the Lord’s presence. I come at his command, to speak his will. I am the John the
Baptist that preached repentance in the wilderness. Many of Judea, of Jerusalem, came to me. Even Jesus the
Christ came that I should baptize him, that the fulfilling of the way of righteousness should be fulfilled.

2 Who is mankind that hath less than this authority that I give—that I bring—have brought to the Church? Does
mankind believe it and follow through or does he have his own way, his own doctrine, his own plan? From
whom does he receive authority? Will it last? Will it stand the test in the end?

3 Let faith, repentance, and the baptism be taught, with proper authority, and the laying on of hands for the gift
and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

4 Fear not those seeking to be prominent, or of outstanding; creating doubts, not feeling the Spirit of God. Be
humble in all your thought and peacefully worship before God and your fellowmen. He will reward.

5 When you are in need of light, wash yourselves that you will be clean, consecrate your heart to serve the Lord.
Seek him in earnest prayer and he will give you the light you need.

6 The image of the Church is set in pace. The authority established, the power given. Let it develop and
progress the Lord’s way. He will provide and show his hand.

7 Be discreet, be humble, lift your lifestyle to be tidy, neat, patient and full of grace. Think again, you represent
the Lord’s body and members in particular, that your humility will be accepted of God and man. God is just. He
will open the door before you. My message is to all that will hear, listen, open and obey. Deliverance will come.

8 Let all know to come this way. Those that are almost persuaded, come. Be firm, let not Satan beguile you.
The authority is given in its channels, let it be so. The Lord gives his Spirit to lead and hold the faith. Where is
the progress? Why stand ye still when there is much to cover?

9 Faith, repentance, the baptisms, teaching Jesus Christ and his atoning blood in redemption that salvation
will come to all that hear and obey the full plan as taught in the Bible, The Record of the Nephites, and The
Word of the Lord, the words I bring as the angel of God. I am his Messenger, a resurrected being. I am John
the Baptist, I am the Elias.

10 The pattern and form is placed before you. Who is man to claim to have more than this? Many of the Lord’s
people will accept the message, but remember this is a work of love. It will bring life, happiness and peace to
those that accept it, but sorrow to those that reject.

11 Indeed, the work is in the hands of the faithful. I give charge that you see that it is directed humbly and in
love. The work you do will be recorded in heaven. That which you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. That
which you loose shall be loosed in heaven. Those that do or have spoken lightly and bitter of this work, their
charge and responsibility they betray and it is taken from them. Therefore they cannot work in the sacred work
of the Lord, walking in darkness at noonday. They release and destroy themselves.

12 The earth shall be filled with the light I bring—keep it sacred—the words I bring. Mankind chooses the way
he would go, progressing his own destiny. The Lord knoweth man’s heart and those deceiving, not true to the
trust of righteousness. Thus there will be changes in those called to lead. The process of their function has
been hindered.

13 Therefore, let James Nabende be released from the apostle office, function and calling. Also, Fanuel
Andango be released from the bishop office, function and calling. Slothfulness has destroyed their calling. The
spirit of this work has faded from them. Let the moneys also go where the work is being done.

14 Also, George Rhodes be released from the bishop office and his charge in the field. Likewise, George
Wilkin be released from the apostle office, function and charge.

15 In time others will be called to fill vacancies, as will be proven of God’s power. This is a holy work and
cannot be frustrated by the will of man.

16 Mans’ failures and wasted works must not hinder this message or its mission. Let the work continue and
progress on its way. I will come again as the need will be. Amen.”