The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Thirteenth Message

The Messenger came to me September 20, 1929, at my home at 814 Pine Street, a little before 3 a.m., and remained until 3:
45 a.m. These are his words as he gave them to me:

1 “I come to you again. Remember there are, and will be trying times, and as these changes take place, the
faith of the children of men will be tried, because they are not used to the things that are, and will take place.
Remember the Lord has said that a marvelous work and a wonder is to come forth, which will be marvelous to
all people, and will not be understood except by the Spirit of God from whence it shall come.

2 Satan knows that his time is but short, therefore his power from beneath will work, and oppose the power
from above. There is, and will be, distress of nations, and greater trouble shall come to pass. This nation is,
and will be in great danger, for there is, and will be a great uniting of power and powers, for Satan will work to
destroy all that he can of the good. As the restitution and restoration of all things will be at work, Satan will be
there to disturb the minds and peace of men, and to hinder the good that they shall try to do.

3 By the uniting of power, many will be brought from foreign countries, and this will change conditions here.
Again this country will be in distress, therefore let those go to the land as I have told you, before these changes
will come, for trying times are upon the earth.

4 Churches will unite, and the time will come when there will be only the Church of Christ and the church of the
devil, so remember while the good is at work, Satan is there to destroy.

5 Your mind has been troubled over the condition of the Church. All these things will come to pass for the two
powers are at work; one to build up the Lord’s work, the other to destroy. Satan will darken the minds of the
people, for many are filled with selfishness and their minds are carnal, and blinded by the traditions of men. As
you stand between the good and the evil, you will have Satan to contend with as he seeks to destroy, and the
power of the Lord on the other side to direct you, that you may instruct the people.

6 The Church of Christ will never again be destroyed, for it shall continue on its work until Christ shall come,
but many hearts will be sad at times because of the things they will have to pass through.

7 As you go and talk with the people, and your brethren, be kind to them; bear with their weakness, for this will
make you strong, and as the greater things shall come you may have the strength to stand, for many will fall by
the way. Remember, the temple will be built as I have told you; if not by this people, by another people which
God will raise up, for thousands are ready to receive the message that I shall bring from time to time, and will
accept it.

8 Your life will be in danger from time to time, use wisdom where you are and with whom you are, both with
those that profess Christ, and those that are of the world, for many are at enmity with you.

9 Send this not to the world as yet, for I will come to you again to instruct you, for so have I been commanded of
the Lord, to come to you. While this may seem strange to you, and many others, yet in the end you shall know
the reason that I was sent to you.”

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