The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Twenty-sixth Message
The Messenger came to me at my home near Port Huron, Michigan, Sunday, June 21, 1931. These are the words as he
gave them to me to write:
1 “I have delayed my coming with this message, for the Lord knows your suffering, and your strength. The Lord
sent me to you and not to another, for he knows your heart, and your life, and from childhood has watched over
you, to do this work, which is very great; for no greater responsibility was ever placed upon man than taking the
gospel to the nations of the earth in its purity; therefore, be true until your work is done, for God will be with you
to finish your work if you will remain humble before him. Seek not to please man, nor fear man, for the Lord is
your strength.
2 God has chosen you and your brethren as apostles in the Church of Christ. The work has been committed to
you men to take it to the nations of the earth, to establish churches in all nations, and to direct in all things as
the Lord will direct you.
3 Remember, this is God’s work and he will help you in your work, that the gospel may be preached and the
message of warning of Christ’s coming may go to all people. Let the message I have brought to you be
translated and printed in all languages, that all may read and know that the Lord has sent me, and that no one
will have an excuse at the judgment day. Let this be done as fast as you can. But see that it is translated
correctly, for this the Lord has entrusted in your care.
4 Let no one treat lightly the message of the Lord, for his eyes are upon you and your work, and your thoughts
cannot be hid. Let your work be done in soberness and firmness, but in humility and love.
5 See that all speak the same thing. Let no one preach and teach the traditions of men.
6 The Lord has placed the work of the churches and the preaching and teaching in the hands of the apostles
as in the days of Christ when he was here; and the finances and the care of the poor and needy in the care of
the bishops. Therefore see that the work is done as the Lord will direct. Let the elders preach the gospel,
baptizing those that come to the Church of Christ. Let them labor among the people, healing the sick, blessing
the children as they are brought to them. Let them lay their hands on them that the Lord may confirm their work
by the Holy Ghost, that the Spirit of God may lead them in all truth.
7 Let the women assist in the work by taking the message from house to house, that all may be warned.
8 Let John Allshouse, H. L. MacPherson, and Ray Griffith be set apart as apostles in the Church of Christ. Let
them so arrange their home that nothing will hinder them from taking the message to the nations; for the time
is at hand when the apostles will have to go to other nations. Therefore, arrange your home and set it in order.
Remember, this is a time of haste.
9 Let P. A. Ely be set apart as a bishop, and J. V. Johnson and Harold Frazer as elders; but remember with this
call will go added responsibility, for God requires humility, for he will direct.
10 Thus far your work has been accepted of the Lord. Wait for his direction in all things, lest he reject your work,
for the Lord knoweth your needs.
11 Let those in Europe receive such help as can be given them from time to time, that the work may go on, until
it has been fully established, for they are in need of messages. Let some of the German messages be sent
here, that they may be taken to their own people.
12 There will be those from time to time that will hearken to the whisperings of Satan, and doubt will enter their
minds, and they will reject the message the Lord has sent. Let man forsake his unrighteous ways, and
cleanse his mind from evil thoughts, and seek after righteousness and justice, and peace with all men. For the
Lord will not spare those that continue in their wickedness.
13 Let A. W. Bogue give all his time to the bishop’s office, that the work may go on. Let him set his house in
order that nothing may hinder him in his work. Let the work be more firmly established in Independence, for the
time will come when the word of the law of the Lord will go forth from that place. Let the people repent and
hearken to the words of the Lord, and God will pardon their mistakes, for there are many who are seeking for
light and truth.
14 There are those who have been slothful in their calling. God has looked upon them in pity, but let them
remember that God will reward everyone as his works shall be, and in time they will see their loss.
15 There are those who have contended about the assembly, for their hearts were not right; let them repent.
The Lord will direct in his work. Let the Voice of Warning go in peace as I told you. Publish not your traditions,
but send the message the Lord has sent.
16 Let George A. Backus go back to the mountain states as he is needed there now.
17 Remember the things I have told you. Read the messages. Study them, that you may know the will of the
Lord, and save yourselves from the things that are coming to pass. Let no one be idle, that all may assist in the
Lord’s work.
18 I will come and direct as the Lord will have need of me. Be humble in your work. Take no part in the
contentions of the world, but let your mind be at peace, that the Spirit of God may dwell in you, and prepare your
mind to receive the words of the Lord. Amen.”