The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Thirty-fourth Message

I was awakened by a messenger sitting on my bed, May 14, 1938. He came at 1 a.m. and remained until 2:20 a.m. He said:

1 “Awake and take the message I will give you.

2 Behold I have come to you and not to others, for this is my appointing, to come with a message that the
Kingdom of God shall be. For the message I bring shall bring life, peace and happiness to those that accept it;
and ‘Woe, Woe, Woe, to those that count my commandments as naught; for terrible shall be the day to the
unjust when I come, saith the Lord, and joy, gladness and redemption to the just.

3 Hearken, hearken: this is a day of haste! Will my servants do my bidding? Lo I have waited, yet many are slow
to heed, while many there be that have a desire to put on the whole armor of Christ, saith the Master of men.
Take to them the message, for Christ’s coming is near. Preach and teach the written words and my Spirit will
be with you as in the days of yore, for my gospel must be taken to all nations, for a mighty shaking will come,
then an awakening, and many that hear will obey.

4 Even now I say to my servants, meet in your solemn assembly. Cry mightily unto me, and I will hear you, and
manifest my will unto you, yea, concerning Zion. Let my law be taught in its completeness that the joy of man
might be full under the plan of redemption. Yea, men are that they might have joy, and according to their faith I
manifest my will unto mankind. Because of unbelief my work has suffered, leaving many to wander in

5 Behold, saith the Lord, a great work is to be done, and few there be that behold it. But the children of your God
knoweth it, and heareth the will of the Father, for the Church of Christ shall receive her power to make ready her
children, the Lamb’s bride, when he comes.

6 Hasten, ye sons of Levi, hasten to your calling. Remember your ancient choosing, calling and promise of
your Lord. Let not my work suffer because of unbelief, but arise and go forth in the strength of the Lord, for love
is your work. Go in faith. Bear ye the fruits of my Spirit that there may be order in my house, when many find it
not elsewhere and look for standards. Let the Church of Christ take her place with the gospel of love to govern
the feet of the weary and the wanderer.

7 Let more be sent in the fields and contend not among yourselves. Seek to be just in all things. Practice the
law of love in your homes, for in your hearts my law shall be written saith the Lord, and my work shall be
accomplished by pure hearts and clean hands. My house shall be built; the gospel preached in all the world;
the glad tidings must go forth; and great shall be your joy in the end.

8 Oh ye sons of men, hear my voice, for I am your God and I speak as in days of old. By my Spirit ye shall hear
my voice, and when you call on me, while you yet speak I will answer, saith God. For I send my messenger at
this time with this great message of love. Many will rejoice with you. Be humble, be true to the covenant ye have
made to God, and lo, I will be with thee always, even unto the end, for I am the first and the last, the beginning
and the end.’

9 I leave, and shall come again. Do with this message as you have done with the others, write them. Peace I
leave with you.”

I know this to be the same visitor I have had all along.

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