The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Forty-sixth Message
Saturday night, December 30, 1939, at 11:15 p.m., the angel of the Lord appeared at my bedside and said these words,
“Prepare that I may give you a message; prepare to receive it. As many of the children of God are pleading in grief that the
Lord will speak and give comfort.” I arose in bed; he disappeared; the light remained for several moments.
Monday morning, January 1, 1940, at 2:15 a.m., the same Messenger of the Lord appeared. I arose up in bed; the same
powerful divine light accompanied him. He had two rolls of paper in his hands, and rolled one out on the bed so I could see.
I saw that it was the plan for the basement of the temple. I was noticing many little details and he said, “This is some of the
great work that shall yet be done, but it shall be done by those that are honest. Some have denied their duty and calling
because of priestcraft. Others will take their places.” He had another roll in his left hand but did not unroll it or say anything
about it. He left. I was greatly strengthened by his visits and it helped me to prepare for what was to follow.
On January 1, 1940, the Messenger of the Lord came to me at my home in Nucla, Colorado, at 11 p.m., and remained until 1:
24 a.m., January 2, 1940. He said:
1 “Arise and take the message I bring.
2 Great is the responsibility that rests upon you. Many of the servants the Lord has called have upheld you in
this work in defending the truth; blessed are all such for they shall obtain the greater peace and power. The
Lord will be with them and angels near to direct the way. To all those that will be very humble and obey the Lord’
s voice the sunlight of righteousness of the Lamb of God shall be upon them with healing in his power.
3 To all those that repent of sins and be baptized, preparing themselves in deep humility, yea, the Lord
promises that they shall receive the greater light and power that they might be able to carry on the work of the
4 Behold, there are those whose hearts are full of evil and selfishness; they have withheld that which is the
Lord’s of tithes and of offerings. Their hearts are not right before him, therefore, I say unto you, they cannot have
part in this work, and are not of the household of faith, for they have failed to obey the word of the Lord.
5 There are those that are full of contention. Separate yourselves from them, have no part in their selfish
desires, be humble, be at peace; let love fill your hearts. Heed not the traditions of men, that you may be able to
stand when greater things will come to pass and your trials shall be upon you. Teach the gospel of life, take it
to the ends of the earth; to other nations in their own language and tongue.
6 I come to give instructions. I come from the presence of the Lord. The words I speak are his words; the
message I bring is his message for mankind. Will they heed it? Lo, he has waited long, yet many are slow to
obey. Many are true and will yet be true. Many will fall by the way because they have not prepared for that which
is to come, for great is the work that shall be done and the Lord will direct in his way all those that will heed his
voice. He will provide and point the way.
7 Behold, some the Lord has chosen have slumbered and slept, while again, others have denied the authority
and trust placed upon them in that they have listened to the whisperings of Satan, not to defend this work of the
Lord. To all those the Lord saith, ‘Know ye not for whom ye were called to labor? Behold! I have plead with you,
yet you have hardened your hearts, opposing and denying my righteous cause. Yea, I say unto all such, you
have hearkened to the whisperings of the evil one, and doubt and fear have entered your minds. In this you
have sinned a very grievous sin; therefore the authority and trust that was placed upon such, they have denied,
and it has been taken from them. I have plead, will my servants do my bidding or must I call others.
8 This is a day of haste when my work must be done. Those that will heed and obey I will bless, those that will
not will lose in the end. Some have grieved me because of man’s traditions, hardness of heart and sin,
causing my work to suffer. Some will yet repent while others will go to destruction. Those that do not defend
this cause have no part in this work. Let them know they must repent to do my will. Be watchful for it is my voice
they oppose, and my design they deny. In their hearts they have rejected the message I have brought from time
to time and they are not willing to be directed by mine angel I have sent.
9 Yea, behold, I forgive those that repent and walk humbly before me. Yea, my sheep know my voice and they
will hear when I call upon them. How is it that some say they love me, yet deny and oppose my design? Know
ye not that I know your thoughts and the intents of your hearts? Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things
I say? Verily, I say not all such shall enter my rest; for in their traditions they have gone astray. They shall not
have voice or vote in my work of the Church of Christ.
10 Blessed are the meek and all those that consecrate themselves unto me. I will be with them, saith your
Lord, and stand you in holy places, protecting you when the great indignation cometh. You shall be called mine
when I make up my jewels.’
11 This is the Lord’s work and man cannot do it his way.
12 Let the women continue to do their part. Let the elders be in the field for much must be done.
13 ‘Thus saith the Lord, it is my will that my servant Parkinson continue on for there is a great work for him to
do if he will do my will. Yea, his trials have been heavy and he is burdened with many cares, but I say unto all,
those whom I love I also chasten, and prepare a way for their deliverance—behold there is a way prepared.
14 There are those in the quorum of apostles that shall not be sustained, therefore; that my house with twelve
apostles might be filled when the vacancies shall come, let these men that I shall give you prepare in deep
humility that they may qualify for the greater responsibility for this office and calling in my house as apostles. I
will be with them, and they, with those that are faithful, will do a great work. Peter Karo, Warren Nellis, Boyd
Peshlakai, and Keith Rogers; let these men, with you, prepare for this office, for this is a time of haste. As the
vacancies come let them be filled, for I prune my vineyard for the last time. If these men will be humble and
prepare themselves to walk uprightly before me, their Lord and God, I will make them a blessing to many. In
time others will fail; they will listen to the whisperings of Satan, nevertheless my work shall go on.
15 Therefore, at this time let Hubert Yates and Keith Rogers know this work is true. If they will come in by the
door, heeding my voice obey; let them be set apart as elders and let them carry the work on. If they will obtain
the greater light many shall be brought to the knowledge of the truth by their efforts; likewise Charles S. Miller,
Hugh Beaver, Harry R. Gross, Alfred Peterson; and Henry E. Lickers (if he will adjust conditions in his home.
The Lord know his heart and will use him for great good among his people.) Let these men obey the gospel
and take up the work as elders, for the harvest is white. Let them labor. Let all remember their duty and
responsibility is to labor, bringing the honest and lost to the Church of Christ. Also let George Everson humble
himself and the Lord can use him as I told you. Let him work among those that are yet in sin. Let all labor and I
will cause great things to transpire among the faithful.
16 Turn away from the past with its sins and traditions and the contentions that destroy hope. Study my words;
even the words I send by mine angel; and I will touch you, and greater light and love will come over you, and
many wandering souls shall be brought to the paths of peace.
17 Verily, thus saith your Lord, let the work continue among all people. Let it continue among the Colored as I
have heard their prayers and many are truly honest among them. Let my servant Lacey continue, and those
whom I have called, J. Wade, Joshua Armbristo, and Joshua Ferguson, take up their work. Also let my servants
Alfred Bolen and John Michel come unto me, and set them apart as elders. If they will work with an eye single
to my glory, they shall be able to bring many to the knowledge of the truth. I will cause a mighty wakening to be
among the people of their blood for I have seen their humility. Many shall yet be called to labor among them,
likewise among the Indians.
18 Verily I say, let my work move on; let it go to other nations; watch and pray, and I shall provide, saith the Lord.’
19 Be at peace. Worry not at what men will say of you. There are those that have prayed that I come to bring
directions. I come as the Messenger of the Lord. I will come again from time to time as the Lord your God will
direct. Amen.”