The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Fifty-sixth Message
The Messenger of the Lord, John the Baptist, appeared to me in my room while at the home of Elder Thomas Evanson, 315
Woodland Avenue, Jackson, Michigan, at 2:30 a.m., October 11, 1942, and instructed me to write the following message.
He spoke kindly yet with firmness as one having authority. He spoke slowly and repeated at times as I wrote the words just
as he gave them. The light of his resurrected presence filled the room.
1 “Arise and write the message I will give you.
2 I come to you at this time with words from the Lord your God. I am the Messenger of the Lord and I am sent to
do his will. I am commanded to bring the instructions; to direct; to point the way to the Christ, and my name is
John. I am the Elias. I come that the Church may build upon the foundation Christ has laid. There is safety in
the light I have brought and will yet bring. Therefore, follow the instructions I have given you.
3 Read the messages I have brought from time to time; study them. Moreover, heed the warning that is given,
abide by the doctrine of Christ, teach it to all people, be ye united in your work. He that will heed the warning will
gain thereby. Those that heed not will lose in the end. Be at peace with all men for the Lord will gather his elect
and they shall have peace with him.
4 Remember the destructions have come and are coming, for the great controversy between Christ and Satan
is on. Men will be tried and many will not be strong to stand because of fear. Remember to be humble, the
Lord wants a tried people. Be true to the trust the Lord has placed upon you.
5 Let not contention be found among you. Let it not be that you contend over points of the doctrine of Christ. Let
the Voice of Warning carry only that which will be peace. My message is one of love; let it gladden the hearts of
all that will hear.
6 Thus saith the Lord, ‘I will lead my people if they will be humble and keep my commandments. Hear ye that
are honest of heart and will be humble before me. You shall be tried as Job and many shall learn obedience.’
7 I speak the Lord’s words and I come that the word might be fulfilled, and the Kingdom of the Lord may be
among mankind to redeem them.
8 Let all that seek to be the Lord’s come all the way. Shape your lives by the words I bring and it will be well
with you. Preach faith in the written words and the full plan of salvation and unto the will of the Father. I come
that a way might be for man to endure.
9 Verily, thus saith the Lord, ‘I have sent my messenger for to prune my vineyard even this last time. My Zion
shall be redeemed as the prophets of old have spoken. I have led the children of Israel in days of old, so will I
lead my people now as you come near unto me and obey my voice in the instructions I send for your cleansing.
Yea, I am God and I change not.
10 Yea, verily, I have plead with you yet few arise quickly to obedience. Blessed are all those who drink of the
water of life freely. Lift up, ye faithful for I am he who dwelleth on high. I will not leave you, therefore, lift up in faith
and move in the strength I shall give, for I am your Redeemer and I will cause thee to stand.
11 Yea, I will cause strength to be upon you that my strange act may be brought about. Nations shall yet know I
have spoken and sent my Elias that all things may be in my planning. Bring forth my Zion and the righteous
shall have victory over the oppressors. Enter in at the strait gate, abide and endure unto the end that ye may
obtain life eternal. Repent in a contrite spirit and bring your sacrifice of a broken heart. Let all pay their oblations
to me and I will be your reward, saith your Lord.’
12 Let the servants counsel together much as you have been warned. Let all be sedate in a seemly manner.
13 Much of the instructions has not been followed. The weakness and slothfulness of man has caused the
work to suffer. Therefore, the Lord commands that you heed the instructions I bring for it will be well with all
those that obey.
14 There are those that are delusive to this cause. There are those that have denied my coming and speak
lightly against this cause. The Lord has taken the authority and trust from them. Let Spilsbury and Bronson
know that the authority and trust is taken from them because they have desired to walk no more with it, they
have denied my coming and the Lord gives it unto others.
15 Let these that I shall give you be set apart as apostles in the Church of Christ that the quorum may again be
full. Oliver Kenneth Goff, Warren M. Nellis, and Alfred Van Leuven. Let them know this office and calling is
sacred and holy and must be kept so. Let them be at work. Let them go to the field for good shall come thereof.
The way shall be opened.
16 There are those that have failed. Their faith is not strong in the Lord’s work. Their minds become full of
doubts and go in darkness. Some know not the Lord’s Spirit nor the power of the Lamb slain. Some have their
own way and will fail if they do not repent and abide by the instructions given. Man cannot deceive the Lord; he
knoweth their hearts. He is merciful and longsuffering for he knoweth their desires. Some have failed, not
being humble nor willing to obey. Fear not, for some will repent; some will fall by the way. They do not watch
and pray.
17 Let the message be taken, let it go to the ends of the earth. Let it go for the Lord will provide and open the
way. The message I bring is one of love to those that obey it.
18 Many shall be made white and tried and have on robes of righteousness, but where the people will not
study and learn the words I bring from the Lord they will grope in darkness. The Lord calls many that know not
the plan of God, and the unlearned to bring about his decree.
19 Let Donald Dobson and Carl E. Pape be set apart as elders for the work of the Lord has need of them. Let
them be humble and the Lord will bless by his Spirit.
20 Let D. T. Chapman, Earl Ewing and Wayne R. Richardson come into this work and be set apart as elders
for the Lord knows their hearts and has heard their prayers and if they will not be discouraged over the
weakness of man the Lord will lead them in all things.
21 Let E. G. Glaeser arrange to go into the field for much is to be done. The Lord will bless him.
22 Be at peace with all men for the gathering shall be and the dispersed will find refuge for the Lord hears the
cry of saints and the righteous.
23 I leave peace with you, be not moved. I will come again. Amen.”