The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Fifty-eighth Message
The Messenger of the Lord, John the Baptist, appeared unto me in my room, Lenox Hotel, 6316 Dorchester Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois, on December 14, 1942, at 12:05 a.m., and left the following message. I arose when he commanded and
wrote as he spoke. I had awakened just a few moments before he entered the room. The light of the resurrection was with
him. He left at 1:12 a.m.
1 “Arise my fellow servant and take the message I shall give. I come to you again with words from the Lord
God. I am the Elias and my name is John.
2 The Lord rebukes thee for your rash act, and moreover, greater sin than grief shall be upon you if you deny
my coming. I have come to you and I am sent from the Lord God. I have brought words of instructions but you
have not heeded. Why did you fret so in fear when I have warned you? You fear man, even your own weakness.
The Lord has seen your repentance and forgiven, but you have not gone to your brethren in love. Cease to be
enwrapped in weakness and the faithful brethren will uphold thee.
3 I have given the message, and you have written as I commanded, but because of your own pride—the Lord
has allowed that which will test your faith. Be firm for the Lord knows that which he has commanded me to say,
for thus saith the Lord, ‘Oh ye my servant, what have ye done to speak lightly of my words which I have sent by
my messenger? Why have you let Satan discourage? Why have you felt void of my Spirit? Verily, verily, I say, it is
because you have not fully heeded the instructions I have sent. You are one of mine apostles in my Church and
Kingdom. Therefore, carry on, and I will not forsake you. I your Lord have appointed thee.
4 Oh ye my servants, why have you acted hastily? I have sent you to be saviors of men and not to destroy. My
love is unto you. Uphold one another, for this is my work. I have chosen and appointed you, my anointed with
authority. This only is taken from man when he denies me, and the words I speak, even by my messenger.
5 Verily, I have heard the prayers of my servant Bronson and if he will defend this cause I shall bless him and
he shall yet do much good before me, saith your Lord.’
6 The Lord only takes the responsibility and authority from man when he denies it; and he hears those that are
repentant before him. Go to your brethren, adjust conditions before them, speak not lightly of their efforts, be at
peace. Take up your calling more sacredly before them and they will uphold you. Man cannot glory of himself in
this work.
7 The message I bring must go to all the world; contend not and deny not my coming— this is the way the Lord
has designed to send instructions that man need not doubt, but if you fail, sad will be your end. Be strong, be
true, even unto one another. As I speak to you so speak I to all.
8 Remember, none have been faithful as they should—some have been negligent, some hard of heart. But let
all take new courage, for I have spoken, and the day comes when I shall appear unto all the faithful and they
shall behold me.
9 Some the Lord has called have hardened their heart and will not be willing to be humble that they may take
up their work. Set none apart that are filled with strange doctrines.
10 Let all the faithful labor in their place and calling. Let the message go to all. Send these words to the
brethren and to the Church. Let them be published. Also publish the Fifty-seventh Message with the rest for I
have spoken it but see that it is correct. Man cannot add to. This is a very grievous sin.
11 I am the forerunner of Christ, I am John the Baptist, who preached repentance in the wilderness. I am the
Elias which was for to come. I have brought the message for the Church of Christ, that it may be fully
established—that faith and repentance might be taught that mankind may prepare to be of the Lord’s bride.
12 I leave peace with you and the Church. Be prayerful that the evil one will not trouble you. For thus have I been
commanded of the Lord to speak. It will be well with you and all those that heed the instructions that I bring.
Again I say deny not your calling. Be humble. There is work for all that will labor in the Lord’s work, and their
reward shall be sure. Peace will come to you if you speak the truth. Amen.”