The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Sixtieth Message

The Messenger came to me at my home, 122 West Sea Avenue, Independence, Missouri, May 9, 1943, just after 5 p.m. I
was wrapping some messages to fill an order when he touched me on the shoulder. He said he had come to bring comfort.
He sat on the sofa and we talked on many subjects. He finally instructed me to get paper and write. Here is what he said.
He left at 7:30.

1 “Behold, write the message I will give you! I am the Messenger, the forerunner of Christ, and I am sent to
bring the instructions for the Church. This is my mission. I am sent from God to prepare the way as in the days
when Christ came among men. My work and mission has begun and shall not be destroyed, but the works of
Satan shall be destroyed. Thus for that work came I into the world that the way of the Christ shall be prepared
that he may destroy the works of Satan.

2 I am the Elias and my name is John, even John the Baptist, the Messenger to come before the face of the

3 Teach the way of the Lord that the millennium may come. Many are honest of heart and some you think to be
against this work will be those to labor to the end. Think not that you can labor without faith or the love of God in
your hearts for this is a just work of love.

4 The Lord has heard the prayers of his people and has sent me to bring them comfort when hearts are sad,
and when Satan has brought much distress, trials and temptations upon the just for he will deceive them if
they will not watch and pray.

5 Remember the instructions I have brought. Teach them to all men. All those that are humble and full of love
will help, for the Lord will bless them. There are many who yet will carry the message of life to the ends of the
earth. Teach faith in the words of the Lord and the prophets, for Satan shall not have hold on all such. There
are those that have been true and will not be shaken by Satan’s powers in the evils of men. There are those
whose hearts are filled with selfishness and greed and who seek to overthrow the message the Lord has sent.

6 But fear not men, nor what they may say of this work, for in their hearts is selfishness and hate. They are
carnally minded and cannot see the Lord’s hand move, but seek their own glory and not the glory of the Lord.

7 The authority and trust that was placed upon you has not been taken from you, and will not be taken from you
unless you deny the Lord God and my coming. For this work were you born. Be true and the Lord will bless you.

8 I bring the warning that mankind cannot say the Lord has not spoken, for the works of Satan must be
destroyed. My message is one of love to all those who will heed it and obey, enduring unto the end for the
same shall be counted his bride at his appearing. The time has come. Let the evil be destroyed that the faithful
may arise and that Israel may be gathered.

9 The harvest is on. The Lord has spoken and long plead that mankind will obey and fully set their hearts to do
his will, for the sheaves are ungathered. The wheat and the tares have grown together. Now the cleansing
shall be among men. Be humble that your lives may be full of the love of God for he will deliver.

10 All those that do not heed, and obey not the instructions I bring, will not be of the bride of Christ when he
comes, for I come to point the way to the Christ that repentance may be taught. That a people may be prepared
to proclaim the acceptable way of the Lord to all mankind. Will they heed it that the Spirit of God may come and
work with man when he is humble before the Lord!

11 Let those that reject the message I bring be released from their trust and responsibility, for they deny my
coming, and the Lord rejects them. Therefore let them have no part in this work, for their hearts are not true and
not in the Lord’s will. All those that oppose and fight against this work, except they repent, their end will be sad.
They cannot overthrow the Lord’s work.

12 Gather in the assembly and cry unto the Lord. Let no evil come among you. The Lord will hear all those that
repent and obey his will. Let your prayers be of the heart. Let not contention be found among you.

13 Heed the instructions I have given in the past and let these be set apart as apostles, that I shall give, as the
vacancies will come: Frederick Vowles, Marion R. Hopkins, James Beld; and let Luther Levell also prepare, for
the time will come when he will take his place in the quorum. Let Roy Lougheed be added to the bishops. Let
Melvin Mallory prepare that he may take his place as a bishop when the vacancy occurs. Let R. H. Hutchinson
be set apart as an evangelist. Let all be in the field as the way opens. Fear not man but do the Lord’s bidding.
He will provide. Let Earl W. Baggerly be set apart as an elder. Let him be humble. Let none contend over points
of doctrine, for the Lord will make bare his arm and reveal much, for great shall be the joy of all those that
prepare for they shall have power to proclaim the mysteries of the Kingdom.

14 Let the faithful continue on and let the Voice of Warning go in peace. The Lord accepts those that obey the
message. Let them continue on.

15 The Lord has sent me unto you at this time. He will bless you if you will be humble. The Lord knows your
prayer and those you love. The Lord has allowed that to come that your pride may be destroyed for ye cannot
seek the praise of men and be pleasing in the Lord’s sight. There are those that love you and will yet love you if
you will be humble and be at peace. Be pleasant in your work and speak the truth in humility and you will find
favor with God and man.

16 I will come again until the work is finished and Christ comes to make his abode among men, that all the
earth shall obey him. I leave peace with you and to the Church. Give this to the Church that the faithful may
know the Lord has sent me.

17 Publish this message with the rest. Let them go to the ends of the earth. Take it to the isles of the sea. Let
justice and peace follow you wherever you go. As I speak to you, I speak to all. Let the Lord’s word be taught
that it might be obeyed, for there is safety in the words I bring. Amen.”

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