The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Sixty-second Message
The Messenger of the Lord came to my home on the morning of September 4, 1943, and instructed me to give the following
message to the Church. He appeared and commanded me to arise and write. The divine made me so weak in body that
after a part of the message was given he left me so that I could regain some of my strength. He returned and I felt much
stronger. I finished the message as he gave it.
1 “Behold; I have come again to bring a message from the Lord. He has sent me. I come from his presence. I
am he of whom it is written, ‘Mine elect, in whom the Lord delighteth.’ I am the Messenger of the Covenant and
my name is John. My coming is to bring a warning and prepare the way again before the Lord.
2 I come that righteousness shall look down from above. Yea, it shall be poured out upon the earth, for God
himself hath sent me and causeth me to speak. I speak his will. The words I speak shall bring peace to many
for salvation shall be upon the earth among men. Yea, it is and now waiteth to be carried to the ends of the
earth, the isles of the sea, for lo, the Lord has spoken, the Lord that made heaven and earth and all things that
in them are. He that stretched forth heaven above, he it is that shall confound the liars and maketh diviners fail
and turn the wise backward making their knowledge foolish. He it is that shall allow confusion to come upon
all of them that stir against the Lord and the words I bring. I bring a way of deliverance.
3 I am the Messenger to go before the Lord to make the crooked straight; to cause to be broken to pieces all
their gates of evil, them that oppose the way of the Lord.
4 Thus saith the Lord, ‘O Israel wilt thou come forth that you might be delivered? I have called thee. I have
named thee. I have chosen thee. I am the Great High Priest. I am he who scattered thee and I am he who shall
deliver—who shall gather. I will bring back all the outcast, moreover all those that are dispersed. Learn ye my
ways and come unto me and life eternal shall be your reward.
5 Yea, I have not spoken in secret or in hiding. I have sent my messenger. He has spoken my words and will. It
shall stand, for this is my pleasure. I know the end from the beginning and I have planned deliverance to all
that will call on my name in righteousness, in humility before me,’ saith your Lord.’ ”
(At this juncture he left for a while and returned later.)
6 “Be ye comforted all that will hear, for the day shall come when as the light shineth from the east unto the
west so shall the coming of the Son of man be. Every eye shall behold him. Moreover, every heart shall cry and
every tongue shall know and confess he is the Christ, for lo, he comes and his words shall judge both those
that live and those that do not; both the righteous and the wicked; both those that do his will and those that
serve him not. Some to joy and peace with him and some to shame.
7 Those that are his shall be counted his jewels, his bride, the Lamb’s wife, when he comes. Thus the Church
of Christ shall continue on that a people may be fully prepared; therefore, it is my duty to bring the message,
the instructions from the Lord your God to the Church, and for the children of men that all might learn this is the
closing time when the vineyard of the Lord is being pruned for the last time and the Christ soon comes to
make his reign on earth.
8 Many will help, many are reserved for a great work, and the gospel must be preached that the greater work
can be done, of the preparing a people, and then the greatest entrusted to mankind shall be accomplished.
9 Therefore, fear not and fret not, but do the Lord’s bidding. Save your strength that you may do that which the
Lord will yet bring forth that all nations may flow together, for Christ shall be Lord of all and King of kings and all
men will serve him. Then shall be no more evil to hinder, but all shall be delightful in the Lord.
10 The Lord has seen your humility and your faith. Continue that he might smile in peace upon you and the
Church. Many hearts have bled and will yet bleed if they do not watch and pray. I told you to watch against the
days to come. As I speak to you so speak I to all. Be ye comforted. Your companion shall be a comfort to you for
peace shall be in the hearts of all those that love this work.
11 Remember Job in his trials, the Lord set his angel to deliver. So it shall be to the Church for the faithful.
Some love this work and know it is true but their pride has kept them away and from coming close to the Lord.
Some are true and will yet be true and with all their might proclaim the truth, even the message I bring. Let
them continue on. Peace shall be with them.
12 Some hate you and the message I bring and have set their heart to hinder and destroy, but in the end they
will lose and grief shall be upon them. This is the Lord’s work and it must be done the Lord’s way in justice
and righteousness above the ways and evils of man. Let not man’s ways hinder.
13 While things look dark to you now the future will be brighter. As I speak to you so speak I to all. My message
is one of love to all that will heed and obey.
14 I gave the warning—the conditions are coming to pass as I told you. Some have prepared and are
comforted. Be watchful, be ready in the Lord’s peace.
15 The Lord will call those to carry his work on even to the end of the earth and all those that are faithful will be
16 Let those alone that oppose you and the message I bring. The hate in their hearts will destroy their good if
they do not repent and seek to please the Lord.
17 Let each one work in his place and calling as the way opens. Let man come all the way in obedience, for
this is the assured way of the Lord to speak to mankind. Let them not doubt and the Lord’s Spirit will lead. The
Lord has and will yet give his Spirit in greater abundance to the faithful.
18 Thus saith the Lord, ‘Let my servants, Lacey and Garret, be added to the apostles. Let them always be
humble for I, the Lord, will bless them in this work. Let my servant Redd be set apart as an elder. Let my young
servant Floyd know this is my work and I have looked upon him in the past and he shall yet do that special work
in this cause. Let all be at work and I shall send the greater peace,’ saith your Lord.
19 The Lord has sent me that all might be encouraged. Let peace be in the hearts of all. Let the work move on.
Let all pay their tithes that they may render to the Lord that which is his. Be at peace with all men. Be filled with
the Spirit that its fruits may rule. Peace I leave with you and shall come again as the Lord will direct. Amen.”