The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Sixty-seventh Message

The Messenger came to me at Independence, Missouri, on the morning of June 11, 1945, and instructed me to give the
following message to the Church.

1 “Arise and take the message I will give you. Behold, I am your fellow servant and my name is John. I am he to
appear before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. I come from his presence. I am the Elias. I am he who
sits as a refiner and purifier, that the sins of men may be no more, that a people may be prepared.

2 My message is one of peace to those who receive it. I bring words from the Master of men who extends
peace like a river and the glory of the faithful like a flowing stream—moreover the Lord will comfort. This is his
Church, she shall be his when he comes. Let all come unto his bride.

3 The time is short—the conflict in battle of the adversary has destroyed many but God will deliver and
righteousness shall prevail—but let the evil be destroyed root and branch.

4 When the Lord speaks answer by your actions. Moreover, he has heard the prayers of this assembly.
Continue humble before him.

5 Let Warren M. Nellis be released of his office and trust of the ministry of the Church for he denies the truths of
my coming.

6 Let L. N. Hallberg be added to the apostles in the quorum. The Lord has preserved and called him into this
work. Behold the Lord knoweth his righteous desires and will bless him. The time has come, Let Howard
Leighton Floyd come into this work and be set apart as an evangelist. Also let there be added to the
evangelists Frank Mallory, Carl Peterson and Thomas Evanson.

7 Let R. C. Conoley and D. Crownover be set apart as elders. Let Winans and Parker be set apart as deacons.

8 Let Mallory be in the field as well as others, for the Lord will direct. He knows the hearts of all. He will deliver
the righteous and bring evil to naught. This is his work and man’s ways are erring but God will speak. There
are others that will yet drop out. Their trials will be sad if they remain in doubt and contention. Peace and
righteousness will be the reward of the faithful. Look to the Lord in all things. He has set me at the helm to
direct in this work.

9 Give this message to the brethren and the Church. Let them know I have come. Your trials are hard to bear
but your deliverance is to greater joy. Peace be with you and the Church. I am the Elias, your fellow servant of
the Lord. I will come again. Amen.”

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