The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Sixty-eighth Message
The Messenger appeared just after 3:00 a.m., August 21, 1946, at my home in Independence, Missouri, and gave the
following message:
1 “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord. Arise and take the message I will give you. I come from his presence. I
come, for so have I been commanded, to bring a warning and instructions that the work of the Church may go
on, that salvation may be found by many whosoever will heed my coming and obey the words I bring; for it is
the Christ’s words that shall judge all men in the last day. He cometh to bring judgment and to preserve the
hand of the righteous. Moreover, his reward shall be with him, even he that liveth, who is ruler and judge of all.
2 I speak his words that his judgments might go forth to the ends of the earth. As a flood the righteousness of
saints, by the faith of the faithful, shall move forward. It shall not fail for this is the work of the Lord.
3 I come to you with a message for all that will heed and obey. My work has begun and gladness has come to
many. Man cannot have his way in this work except it be the way of the Lord.
4 The Lord has spared you. The Lord has preserved many and he heareth the prayers of the humble and
faithful. There are many honest that will yet heed my coming. Be firm, be true. Let humility be your mantle. Be
not discouraged. Let all take faith and be lifted in gladness. Let not confusion come among you, the Lord your
God is the author of peace. Be calm and sedate. Heed repentance. Teach it to all men; baptizing them. Let the
hands be laid on them for the authority is given and this is the Church of Christ that shall be his bride at his
5 The Lord is mindful of his people and has heard the prayers from the heart. I am commanded that answer
shall come. Therefore, I came to speak life and the will of the Lord. I am the Elias. I am set to refine and make
ready a people before the Lord. This is my mission. Deliverance shall come to many.
6 Conditions have come as I told you. Much sorrow is yet to come, suffering and sadness on every hand. Only
among the more righteous shall peace be found.
7 Let the Lord’s servant, Waldemar Korth, know the Lord has preserved him for a great cause. His faith has
made him whole. Let him continue on that the glad tidings may reach many in his land and its borders. Send
all the help that can be to the fields in the foreign lands.
8 Let there be set apart in the quorum of twelve apostles: Bert H. F. Blackmon, Luther Levell and, as the
vacancies occur, R. G. Newby who has repented and returned to the work and W. C. Wilson, if they will continue
to be humble.
9 Let there be ordained as elders: Samuel Guthmiller, Clifford Clary, George Blackmon, Alfred Butler and
LaVern Fife. Let them be very humble in this work. Let all labor in faith and in love that great good may be
10 Let the message go far and near, preaching the same things of the gospel of peace and ‘Lo,’ saith the
Lord, ‘I will stand you in holy places while the indignation passes over.’
11 Let William Nevels be set apart as an evangelist. Let him carry the message to others and the Lord will
bless him.
12 Be ye united and my peace shall remain with you. Continue on in service and action heeding the Lord’s will.
Be calm, be pleasant in your work. As I speak to you so speak I to all.
13 Be not discouraged over what man does, and those that are not true and that deny this work and the
message I bring. Some will repent, but keep holy and sacred this trust the Lord has given.
14 Peace be with you and the Church. I leave this with you. Give it to the brethren and the Church.
15 I will come again until the work is finished and the Christ comes. I will be with him when he comes. Amen.”
While this is not a part of the message, it occurred at the end of the Messenger giving the above words. He had been
seated in a rocking chair and I sat across from him by the table writing the message as he gave it. This is the first time
another personage has appeared with him standing by his side. They were of similar size with beautiful countenance. In
his arms he held cradled very carefully a brown-colored box as it seemed—not appearing to be extremely heavy but from
the way he held it, very precious.
I noted then it was not a box, but records, as I noted one large ring near the top end on the side toward me, which
apparently would indicate the front of the record. It had a glittering effect which was more noticeable from each move or
change of position of the records carefully cradled in his arms.
The Messenger arose and placed his right hand on the records and said, “This is some of the great work yet to come forth.
A record.”
They both left, leaving me very weak in body because of the presence of the resurrected ones.