The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Sixty-ninth Message

The Messenger of the Lord, John the Baptist, appeared to me at 3:05 a.m., July 28, 1947, at my home in Independence,
Missouri, U.S.A., and commanded me to arise and take the message he would give me. The room was full of light; the
presence of the divine was powerful. I wish all would pray to know the truth of the coming of the Messenger, the angel from
the Lord.

1 “Behold, my fellow servant, I have come to you with a message again, that the work of the Lord might go
onward and move forward to the ends of the earth, ruling in the will of the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, the
righteous of mankind.

2 Write the words as I shall give them to you.

3 ‘Thus saith the Lord to the humble and obedient: Your faith has been exceeding great, you have endured and
shall find my peace in abundance. I have watched over you and preserved even when Satan sought to destroy.
Behold, it is I, even your Lord, that shall deliver you in the last day. Yea, come out of her lest you suffer with the
ungodly and partake of her punishments. Let your life be filled with obedience.

4 Yea, moreover, Israel will slowly hear and come forth rejoicing. Heed the warning I have sent by my servant,
John. This is the closing hour—the warning is sent and to all that hear, life everlasting, but to them that mock
and scorn, Woe! Woe! Woe! and sad will be their end. Behold I have spoken.’

5 I am the servant of the Lord. I come from his presence—I speak his words and his will. I come to fulfill—that
a way of deliverance shall be for mankind—that they might be guided away from the shadow of death and into
the way of salvation, and that all things may be restored. The earth to her former beauty and mankind delivered
from that awful state, back to the presence of God.

6 Let the Assembly meet in peace, let rejoicing be in your hearts. Pray earnestly and the Lord will meet with you
by his Spirit, and great peace shall flow to all—and the faith of the faithful shall be heard. Power shall come as
your hearts shall be prepared.

7 Fear not, nor fret not, but do the Lord’s bidding. The Church has been favored of the Lord for he has not
forsaken his people. Let all be at work in their calling. The Lord has seen the faith of his servant, Turland, for he
has been faithful in many ways and shall find exceeding great joy and peace in the end. Many shall yet learn
the way of peace. Let the message continue to go from door to door, from heart to heart, and on to the ends of
the earth.

8 Let there be added to the bishops, when the vacancy occurs, Kenneth N. Vick. Let him be set apart and
ordained as an elder, for the Lord has seen his faith and heard his prayers, and will bless in great peace and
abundance of his Spirit. Let there be added to the elders, Roy C. Tedrick, E. Emmanuel Sigle, Leonard
Johnson—and your fellow servants, H. Harris Burt and John Emerson Davis as evangelists. Let them know the
Lord has preserved them for a wise purpose—that they may take the truth in its purity to many.

9 This is a holy work and mankind must come humbly before the Lord. Let repentance and baptism be the
answer in action by each one coming into this work. Let the hands be laid on all that the Spirit might come to
them in great power and deliverance in time of trials. Let great faith rule in love. Let peace be in each heart and
soul, in your homes, and avoid contentions. Trust not in traditions of men, nor the ways of man, nor flesh. They
will not save you.

10 Let the servants be humble and prayerful and the mysteries of the Kingdom shall unfold before you. Fear
not those who depart from you—they are as clouds without water—empty vessels—tossed about in doubt and
fears. But fear the Lord insomuch that obedience is your answer. Let peace fill each heart, and in your
gatherings, that the Spirit of God shall make you free. It is Christ your Savior whom you must serve and obey.
His words shall judge all in the last day, and great is his reward to the faithful when he comes, but dreadful to
the wicked at his appearing.

11 Lift up, I am the Elias. I bring the refining spoken of by the prophet Malachi. I bring the Elijah Message. I am
the forerunner of Christ. I preached repentance and baptism at his first coming—so am I commanded the
same now, unto the children of Israel, and to the ends of the earth. Much shall come to pass, and mankind
may yet be found in the presence of the Lord through obedience to the words I bring.

12 Give this message to the Church. Publish it. Let the words I bring go to all who will hear.

13 I leave peace with you and to the Church in gladness. I will come again until the work is finished and shall
be with the Christ when he shall appear at his coming when the righteous in Christ shall arise. Amen.”

The Messenger left at 5:05 a.m.

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