The Word of The Lord
(Brought to mankind by an Angel)
Ninety-ninth Message

Monday morning at 3:28 a.m. June 9, 1980, at my home in Independence, I awakened from sleep. My room was all alight
from the resurrected Messenger of the Lord. I arose quickly and went to the kitchen table where I had paper ready. As I sat
in the chair, the Messenger was walking towards me from the front room. He began to speak as he moved a chair out from
the table and sat in it as he gave the message; the angel Messenger Elias that has visited many times delivering the Word
of the Lord.

1 “Behold! I come with a message of life, a message of hope in the eternity with God; a message of conviction,
a message of deliverance. Will mankind hear it?

2 There are many looking for this message I bring that they might be a part of the bride of Christ. There is
something to stir them—this is the divine will of God.

3 Mankind faileth of himself, he faileth to hear and obey. Many set their hearts to be secure and will not hear nor
seek further light. What more shall be given to stir mankind, that they may see and learn the truth of the full plan
of God?

4 I have spoken. The Lord has given his Spirit and those to preach the word. More shall be added to this
responsibility to set up and establish the Church of Christ among all nations with this authority and the words
of instructions that I bring; put them before the people.

5 The long planning and covenant of God shall have its fulfillment. His Kingdom shall roll forth until it fills the
whole earth and all mankind shall obey his will.

6 I speak light and life, will they hear it?

7 All those that shall shape their lives by the words I bring, shall be blessed. Have faith in the prophets of old
and it will be well with you, but heed not the ways of evil men—such will not save you.

8 You have seen those from time to time fail because of prominency seeking; traitors to the Lord’s work,
making an offense for a word. Be not moved by them.

9 Be very careful what you say, how you speak, and where you are, so is my message to all.

10 There are many blind guides; full well the Lord has been with the word to bless those that learn—but when
mankind’s mind closes to further light—the truth will not fit their learning. They will not conform to the full plan of
God, they come not to deliverance, they are not convicted of their emptiness and they lose in the end. Why do
they blind themselves? A stubborn heart and mind cannot please God.

11 When ripened in iniquity they shall slide into destruction. The necessary evils they cannot overcome.

12 Oh, ye people of the earth, turn a listening ear, hear the loud voice the Lord has sent—fulfilling his word. All
mankind is called to repentance having faith, baptize them, let the hands be laid on all that the gifts and
promised Spirit shall come upon them—the holy unction of God.

13 Before you stands an open door.

14 Let the work continue in Africa that is now underway. The Lord will seal it a blessing. Be not weary in well

15 Let Larry Gosier Williams be added to the bishops and labor in his place and calling. Let the disciples
appoint vice-bishops to their aid—even unto seven, in Africa who may aid in keeping the finances and needs of
the people.

16 Let Lawrence L. Ray prepare also for the bishops when a vacancy comes. He shall be near you in great

17 Remember much is to come forth yet—even more. Adjust to the work and the multitudes.

18 A record shall yet come forth berating mankind before their fellowmen.

19 Let Karl Bumb be set apart as a disciple and vice-bishop in Germany to aid in the needs there, also of
records and missions.

20 How great a vessel of honor many could be—but not so because of self will and seeking prominency.

21 Cast not your efforts to be wasted but use wisdom in your planning.

22 Let the work continue everywhere. Let the women help where they can.

23 As I speak to you I speak to all. I bring peace to all. I will come again. Amen.” The Messenger was with me
forty-five minutes.

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